Benefits of Evaporative Cooling Including Air Quality

Evaporative cooling is an effective and safe method for saving energy typically used for water condensation in alternative refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The principle of evaporative cooling, as seen in cooling towers and evaporative condensers, plays a key role in modern industry.

evaporative-cooler-homeAdvantages include energy savings, environmental protection, safety and an excellent return on investment in terms of performance. Many portable evaporative cooler models have air purifiers built-in as to promote cleaner air at home while also being energy efficient. There are several models on the market, so you want to be sure to find one of the best evaporative coolers that will suit your needs.

Evaporative cooling has been used for over 100 years. It was widely used by the Romans and the Arabs in their palaces. It is therefore a technically well known and simple to implement process.

Operating principle of evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling is a natural process that uses water as a refrigerant to deal with excess heat from various processes and heat engines. Evaporative cooling equipment release condensation heat of refrigerating machines, transferring it to the atmosphere through evaporation of a small amount of water. This process is effective by establishing a maximum and direct contact between the circulating water and a stream of air through a section with which it tries to maximize surface contact time between the fluids promoting heat exchange.

There is a variety of evaporative cooling equipment in the market allowing users to choose what suits their needs. They are built using different materials and have diverse types of fans for different levels of needs. Evaporative cooling equipment is used for almost all industrial applications that require refrigeration to facilitate and optimize many processes and operations carried out in an industry. They increase energy savings and provide more important benefits when compared to alternatives.

Advantages of Evaporative Cooling

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from evaporative cooling:

Energy saving

Evaporative cooling equipment saves energy. First, the lowest temperatures of cooling water ensure process performance and reduce power consumption. Second, the equipment is highly energy efficient due to the use of latent heat of evaporation, allowing the removal of a greater amount of heat than possible using traditional method.

Less environmental impact

Evaporative cooling used in refrigeration systems is an environment friendly technology because it produces less environmental impact than alternative techniques.

Less impact on greenhouse

Reduced energy consumption ensures less CO2 emissions in the production of the corresponding power. Also, it means less risk of leakage of fluorinated refrigerants thereby helping to guard against the so-called direct greenhouse effect caused by leakage of fluorinated refrigerants (HCFC and HFC).
Reduced water consumption
Evaporative cooling equipment is water-efficient as more than 95% water that is involved in operation is reused. A small amount evaporates to dissipate the heat of condensation, another is evacuated to prevent concentration of salts, and a small part is carried by air as aerosols.

Low noise impact

Noise pollution by evaporative cooling equipment is reduced because they require less airflow than air-cooled equipment.

Evaporative cooling is shown not only as an environmental friendly technology, but also as one that is adaptable to new environmental demands. In today’s world where energy conservation is critical to environmental balance, and for industrial competitiveness, its importance is greater. The rational use of equipment operating on this principle is beneficial to the user, the environment and by extension to the whole of society.

6 Important Home Air Purifier Benefits

Below are six benefits to having an air purifier at home. If you are currently experiencing any of these problems, you may want to consider getting an air purifier.


Mold Elimination
One of the best benefits of air purifiers is its unique ability to eliminate mold. These purifiers are known to have the ability to get rid of up to 99.7% of mold spores. Removing airborne mold can have a seriously positive effect on your overall health.

Reduced Allergies
Another big benefit of an air purifier for home use is that they are able to effectively reduce all types of allergens inside your home. If you suffer from allergies, the room or whole home air purifier will bring you immense benefits. Depending on the level of filtration, air purifiers have the ability to trap and break down these allergens, thus bringing great relief to allergy sufferers. Be sure to check what size the filter is capable of removing considering your particulate.

Pet Dander Reduction
Another top reason many people use home air purifier is the fact that they are able to effectively reduce pet dander in the home. If you love your pet but their dander is driving you crazy, this can be of immense help. Because these air purifiers are able to use different layered filters, you are likely to notice a significant decline in overall pet dander in your home after you install a home air purifier.

Elimination of Odors
Removing odors from your home is another key benefit of home air purification system. Many air filters come with an odor reducing component that scrubs the air for odor-causing microbes to leave your house smelling fresh and clean.

Smoke Removal
Many people have to deal with smoke in their home as a result of their own smoking habits or those of others. If this is an issue for you, you might want to invest in an air purifier because these products have the ability to cleanse your home’s air of smoke particles. This is going to ultimately make your home a much safer and healthier place to be.

Germ Removal
Another solid benefit that you are going to experience is the fact that purifiers can also effectively remove germs from your home. This is going to be great for anyone that is looking to make their home healthier and cleaner. Because air purifiers are able to effectively capture particles as tiny as 1-3 microns in size, no germs will be able to escape. This can really help stop the spread of disease to other family members if someone in your household is sick.

There are obviously many health advantages of using a home air purifier. It is easily going to be one of the best investments that you can make. By improving the air quality in your home, you should be able to effectively enhance your health, wellness and quality of life inside your home.

5 Natural Ways to Improve Air Quality at Home

home air qualityYou’ve probably seen many air fresheners with different scents and fragrances of lemon, flowers, etc. We can also easily find scented candles. But all these fresheners and aromatic substances do is mask odors with fragrances collected from synthetic chemicals that can harm our health very seriously. Burning incense and synthetic oils release highly damaging compounds into the air, such as benzene (toxic and potentially carcinogenic), formaldehyde (also potentially carcinogenic) and particles that can cause respiratory problems.

If the house is also rarely or never ventilated, which is common during the cold months, the accumulation of toxins in our home is multiplied. Thus, the occurrence of allergies and respiratory problems is more likely. So here are five natural ways to improve the air quality in your house:

  1. Ventilate your house on a daily basis. Open the windows for at least 30 minutes daily. This allows air through the house and every corner to receive fresh air. In the summer it is easier to carry out, but in winter we must also do so to the extent that we can.
  2. Take advantage of plants to purify the air. Plants filter air pollutants and having several at home can be of great benefit to our health. In addition, there is a great variety and you can use them to decorate.
  3. Avoid the use of aerosols. Aerosols harm your health and the environment. Therefore, avoid use because they release particles that will remain in your home and can be deposited in your lungs, which can serious respiratory problems.
  4. Do not smoke at home. If you smoke, do not do it inside your home. In addition to causing cancer, from the time the smoke is inhaled it causes the heart to beat faster and increases blood pressure. You and your loved ones will be breathing ammonia, tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and many other chemicals, which creates a highly damaging cocktail you do not want in your home.
  5. Avoid the use of synthetic fabrics. Synthetic fabrics are in curtains, sofas, bedspreads, rugs, shower curtains, sheets, etc. They come from oil, so they will gradually shed thousands of synthetic chemicals they possess. Over time it’s detrimental to your health when breathing them at home 24 hours a day. Opt for natural fabrics instead. Avoid other petroleum products such as plastics.

So there’s five natural ways to improve the air quality in your home and breathe fresher air as well.